Hi, I’m Christi. It’s nice to meet you! I’m so glad our paths have crossed here today.

I’d love to share with you what motivates me as a holistic wellness practitioner, and why I created Sounds Like A Dream

We are chronically distracted and overstimulated, resulting in a pernicious lack of respect for the qualities of stillness and quiet. The relentless, frenetic pace of modern society interferes with our experience and understanding of our intuitive senses—our access to innate wisdom—warping our relationship to even the most basic biofeedback from our bodies and the most obvious messages revealed by our nighttime dreams.

At Sounds Like A Dream, we work with sound, dreams, yoga nidra meditation, and Reiki to help calm our overloaded nervous systems, giving the body and mind a chance to experience stillness, security, and deep peace. These modalities are highly restorative for the physical body, but perhaps most compelling, they can help recalibrate our overall awareness over time. As we become more and more familiar with peaceful awareness and the physical sensations that come with it, we begin to notice in our day-to-day activities how close or far we are from that calm and secure state. We begin to understand and experience how every moment we encounter holds the opportunity for us to operate and respond from that underlying and ever-present state of ease and grace. With practice and time, our baseline changes, often leading to major personal discoveries and life-altering perceptual shifts along the way.

The meditative modalities we work with at Sounds Like A Dream are all about experiential awareness—rather than attempting to linearly think our way to the answers we seek, this work engages the deep wisdom and guidance that is available to us through our senses, intuition, and our experiences of nonlocal awareness/expanded consciousness.

As your practitioner, you may like to know that I most value:
Awe & Wonder
Nature & Beauty
Love & Compassion
Experience & Having Fun
Simplicity & Authenticity

My first loves were music and wildlife, which drew me into the worlds of dance and science. I’ve always been a daydreamer and strongly guided by my intuition. My passions for studying ethology, human biology and anatomy, consciousness and awareness development, indigenous cosmologies and philosophies, therapeutic somatic methods, sound and yoga nidra meditation, and dreamwork were all woven together to create Sounds Like A Dream.

Among countless benefits, Sound Therapy, Dreamwork, Yoga Nidra Meditation, and Reiki have helped me learn how to: manage chronic pain and stress, access deep states of rest and relaxation, develop and hone focused awareness, embody intuition, work with different states of consciousness for creativity and problem-solving, honor the sacred, and experience profound peace and fulfillment. It is my honor to share and steward these gifts of well-being to others who may also find them helpful.

I don’t ask for the sights in front of me to change, only the depth of my seeing.
-Mary Oliver

In grace and gratitude,
